LyricsFetcher is a free utility that can search and store the lyrics of our songs automatically. What it does, is examine the music libraries from iTunes or Windows Media Player, retrieving all the available information from the songs stored there. After this analysis, the program will search for lyrics on the Web and will write them in the music library selected, saving the lyrics in its own database. Using this program we can have our music files with complete information, avoiding the inconvenience of searching for lyrics on the web and adding them manually.
After the program examines the selected library, it will show all the discovered songs in its main window; then, using different criteria, the program will fetch the lyrics for the selected items. Surprisingly, the fetching process takes no more than a couple of seconds per song to complete, and the results are accurate. For the program to provide for precise results, it is important to check that our files have the correct names and details. As a bonus, the program provides its own music player and also a search button that takes us directly to Google to look for lyrics which for any reason it failed to find. In spite of its simplicity, the program does its job. However, the fact that it only works with iTunes and Windows Media Player loses it some points.
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